107 Quotes & Sayings By R Alan Woods

R. Alan Woods is a speaker, writer, and teacher, whose ability to connect with people has garnered him the following honors: President's Club for Life-Changing Speakers, Top 100 Life-Changing Speakers in the World, Top 100 Inspiring Speakers in the World, Top 100 Motivational Speakers in the World, Top 100 Life-Changing Events, Best Speaker in America at The Associated Press' National Communicators Awards. More than 2000 people have attended his keynote speeches. He is also the author of four books on health and wellness, including many bestsellers.

Jesus said, 'Enter into My rest' and let God do...
Jesus said, 'Enter into My rest' and let God do what He does best R. Alan Woods
Knowledge & understanding mixed with ones convictions of 'experience' is...
Knowledge & understanding mixed with ones convictions of 'experience' is hardly impositional". ~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Jesus is God is the unified field theory of Christianity
Jesus is God is the unified field theory of Christianity". R. Alan Woods
Don't settle for less than God's best for you".~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Continual prayer is a lifestyle."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
My life is an open book; at least this photo album".~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
You can walk in the Light or you can grope around in the dark because there is no walking with Jesus by candle light".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Trust is developed under pressure and over time; just as with God by us." ~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Help us to forgive ourselves as we struggle in our process of forgiving others."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Forgiveness is a practiced and fervrent process".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
‎"The more we spend our time 'practicing the presence' of Jesus, the more we become like Him"~ R. Alan Woods R. Alan Woods
The link between the spirit and the mind is the deep heart".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
We all have a past that may be worthy of some criticism".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Although there are several 'schools of thought' relating to why God allows mental, emotional, and physical afflictions, it essentially remains a mystery"~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Our healing is in His hands".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Greed applied is prosperity realized". ~R. Alan Woods [2006] R. Alan Woods
God has certainly not called us to throw our brains out the window as an appropriate response to His Grace".R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
We are no longer under the 'Law', but rather the Grace of God in Christ."~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
We are all sinners who have been saved by Grace. We have not been saved from sinning, but we have been redeemed despite it".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
The mystery of Evil and its origin & purposes".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
I'm of the opinion that many Christians are in deep denial about the reality of there being 'real' Evil in this world. Evil that cannot be reasoned with; is reprobate, incorrigible, determined, un-appeasable, violent, murderous, and unrelenting. I find this denial shocking in that the Bible clearly shows that in the end this battle is all about Good vs. Evil. This is a very real and present danger to the leaders and people of Israel. They know the truth and are not in any denial about it! ! ! It's harsh, yes! However, it is Real and a danger to those in Israel. This is not my first rodeo! ! ! Combat brings me no joy! ! ! But, God has His holy warriors who risk their lives so others can have the luxury to live in denial! ! ! Israeli's have no such luxury! ! !. R. Alan Woods
Evil does not fight against evil, rather it struggles against Good. Where as, Good does not struggle against evil, rather it overwhelmingly defeats it".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
God impressed me with this a long time ago: 'Roddy, I will never do anything through you until I have done it to you! '."~ R. Alan Woods [1998] R. Alan Woods
Critical thinking is a necessary and vital skill".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
So how does God affect justice in this life/economy/reality? A lightening bolt, an angel of death, or by the hand of a human being?"~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Reason and Faith are no more antithetical than the mind and the heart, for neither one exists or has meaning without the other". ~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
God has given all of us both the mind and the heart. And He fully expects us to use them R. Alan Woods
I have been fairly misunderstood by those who think only of the heart and thereby leave the mind behind. They both are vital and important aspects of our created humanity...in the image of God". ~R. Alan Woods {2006] R. Alan Woods
God is great, God is faithful".~ R. Alan Woods [2103] R. Alan Woods
It is not enough just to read the Bible; it is even just as important to understand it. As to living it- that is accomplished in and through us by the Holy Spirit."~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Logos (The Biblical Manuscripts/Canon of Scriptures) & Rhema (The Person/Life/Words/Death/Resurrection of Jesus Christ): The 'special' & 'ultimate' revelation of God. Without these revelations God would be unsearchable, unknowable, and inscrutable."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Character primarily is honesty with God, ones-self, and others."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
The character of Jesus can only be ultimately known experientially through the indwelling of His Spirit in union with us."~" The character of Jesus can only be ultimately known experientially through the indwelling of His Spirit in union with us."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Character is what we do when no one else is watching"~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
One of the most unique aspects among many about the USA is that our transitions of 'power' have almost always been peaceful. This is very unique in all of history and in the world today". R. Alan Woods
Faith without reason produces a mindless Christianity which is less than useless; the focus on justice in this world produces a theology that chases its own tail."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
In the sense of Lewis, I am a moderately 'good man'".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Good and bad exist always, everywhere R. Alan Woods
Be annoyed and sin not" ~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
I am a 'Light' seeker with a 'tude'!. "~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Christ awareness is imperative."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Ecclesiastes would be quite unbearable were it not for Heavens eternity and its citizens". ~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Ah, a breath of fresh air: reasonable faith! ! ! "~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
The idea that reason and rationality is somehow separate from and antithetical to ones ' heart' is one of the most absurd theologies I have ever in my life heard." ~R. Alan Woods ("Just Keeping It Real", Copyright 2012) R. Alan Woods
Being that 'reason is not antithetical to faith' (Woods) and that Pentecost established the Reality of super-nature (Lewis) and that 'theology matters' (Wimber), then 'empowered evangelicalism' (Nathan) is the natural expression of discipleship."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
There are three people one can never reason with: a drunk, a crazy person, and a fool. R. Alan Woods
God is The Reasonable One, therefore reason & faith are not antithetical" ~R. Alan Woods [2007] R. Alan Woods
Reason and Faith are not antithetical, but rather synergistic". R. Alan Woods
The Fathers intent desire is that none would 'perish'. The promise God has given us is one of 'liberation'- Freedom. Being set free "from" captivity and reconciled "to" your Father. Intimacy with Jesus garners son-ship with Abba. As Jesus "demonstrated" that Son-ship of Grace he said, 'I only "say" and "do" what I hear the Father saying and doing'. Proclaiming the Kingdom of God by "Do'in the Stuff". The early church 'got' Jesus. John Wimber 're-got' Jesus and began proclaiming the Kingdom and demonstrating it as any loving son would of his Father. Now, we are no longer refuges but 'Bona Fide' citizens in good standing with our King and our new country. Where Love, Mercy, Grace; Peace 'rains' on us eternally here and now. 'The Already But Not Yet' (Ruis)."~R. Alan Woods [2013] . R. Alan Woods
Freedom for freedoms sake."~ R. Alan Woods [2006] R. Alan Woods
Grace has not been well understood by the post-modern church let alone applied as post-moderns in our lives as a reality that Christ secured for us."~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
This ain't my first rodeo! ".~ R. Alan Woods [1999] R. Alan Woods
The problem with the church is the church R. Alan Woods
The world and it's people are my church".~ R. Alan Woods [1996] R. Alan Woods
People respond when they are taught, and that primarily by example, rather than preached at. Jesus modeled just this approach in His life."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
The Reality of the Creator God of Christianity blatantly reveals itself in His majestic handy-work."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
Being that the *historical* Jesus was of pure Hebraic descent- lineage of Eber- He was not an Arab or of Arabic descent, therefore He was not dark skinned as most Israeli's are not."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
It would behoove you to have your thesis finely tuned and the logical arguments utilized in support of it tightly woven into a credible, and creatively persuasive tapestry. R. Alan Woods
I am not aligned in my thinking with Calvinism, neither am I aligned in my thinking with Arminianism. I have proposed a more 'Wholeistic' theology encompassing the 'both/and' in the context Objective Truth & Reality". ~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
The more important point is that Reality is much more 'nuanced' that we may imagine. Operationally co-existent economies make for a much better fit into what we now know about our material universe per quantum physics, et al. This is after all His creation and He is the Rational One. Reason and Faith are not antithetical, but rather synergistic. R. Alan Woods
Everything I have learned has not come from books, it has come experientially over time under pressure walking with Christ".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Free markets and capitalism are predicated upon the definition of greed as altruistic in economics".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
I do not politicize Christianity nor my discipleship as Jesus did not politicize either His divinity nor his humanity. R. Alan Woods
Don't get me wrong, I like NASCAR and shopping at Nordstrom's, but discipleship is intrinsic as a lifestyle."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
There are no shortcuts to maturity in discipleship; it was, is, and always will be learned over time and under pressure walking in union with Christ."~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
The synoptic Gospels of the New Testament manuscripts make us aware of Christ's character and gives us a view of the 'son-ship' He modeled which flowed out of that Divine character." ~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
It is widely unknown, but nonetheless true that Catholicism fervently promotes the 'spiritual disciplines' whereas Protestantism has largely neglected them altogether. Does 'volunteerism' facilitate the formation of Christ's character in us or rather does it reveal our level of Christ-like maturity through the work of the Holy Spirit in us? Jesus modeled son-ship and gave all of His time, shared his talents, and invested all of His treasure while affirming others as He proclaimed through demonstrations the Kingdom of God.'Christ-likeness cannot be self-efforted' (Woods, 2007)." ~R. Alan Woods [2013] . R. Alan Woods
There are sins much more serious than socio-pathologies which really are mental illnesses, whereas self-righteousness is an illness of the soul. R. Alan Woods
The free-will of men and the sovereignty of God are operationally co-existent, neither Reality impunes the 'co-dependent' authority of the other". R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Instead of hopping around like a wild in'jun on fire, try counting from 10 backwards while hopping on one foot". R. Alan Woods
Sharks to not eat Chinese people because they get hungry thirty minutes later". R. Alan Woods
To us post-moderns, empathy is a stranger in a strange land". ~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
None of us are getting out of here alive". R. Alan Woods
In my opinion, anyone who says they have no anxiety at all over experiencing their own physical death is not in touch with their humanity".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
There are things far worse than death, for when it comes to us it is final. What lies beyond it is a matter of faith in what we had hope for. R. Alan Woods
We die well when we die with purpose fulfilled".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
No one is perfect and perfectly holy but God alone".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Unlike 'other' religious belief systems in competition with Christianity, we have not been called to become 'absorbed' into the deity but rather brought into communion with God through union with Christ thereby maintaining our unique individuality and personal identity R. Alan Woods
The free-will of man cannot impune the sovereignty of God, and conversely the sovereignty of God would not impune the free-will of men". R. Alan Woods
Love is faith in action." ~R. Alan Woods [2006] R. Alan Woods
I contend that those who Agape can only administer mercy and grace."~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
As Christians it is not just for us to know what we believe, but why we believe it".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Quite aside from supernatural experiences, after having given this much thought and extensive consideration, I am quite certain that it is Christianity that is based in Objective Reality and Truth and is therefore validpp R. Alan Woods
Envy is a buzz killer."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
You can't fix stupid R. Alan Woods
Do I believe in demonic possession? My thinking is more aligned with 'demonization' in the context of Christianity & Spirit-filled believers, whereas I am quite certain an 'unbeliever' can possibly become 'possessed' by a demonic spirit('s). R. Alan Woods
When we give our heartbreak to God, he fashions it into a softer and even more loving heart."~ R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
After witnessing the inauguration ceremonies, I am compelled to state how deeply grateful and infinitely thankful and eternally blessed I am to and by God for the privilege of being born and for living out my life in this amazing country- The United States of America R. Alan Woods
'Lady Wisdom' is my wife and those I reach with Truth understood are my children".~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
Put that in your self-righteous pipe and smoke it! ! ! . R. Alan Woods
Beware when wrong-doing is called good and right-doing is called evil. R. Alan Woods
We don't do the cleaning, the Holy Spirit does R. Alan Woods
The Theology of The Holy Trinity has been well established for 1700 years. In my opinion, it is hyper-evident by the New Testament manuscripts in conjunction with the writings and ensuing Theologies of The Early & Later Church fathers that The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are Objectively Real and True".~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
And, yes we are much like kites when the image is one of spirituality and the winds of the Holy Spirit shaping, directing, instructing, and otherwise affecting our lives."~ R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
I am in complete alignment with my thinking with this statement by F. F. Bruce: 'Whether our approach is theological or historical, it does matter whether the New Testament documents are reliable or not'." ~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
In the 56 years I have been a disciple of and in union with Jesus Christ and in my opinion, John Wimber was the most authentic, humble, accessible, and anointed 'Christ-like' man I have ever known." ~R. Alan Woods [2013] R. Alan Woods
The operative word here is 'gifts', plural, meaning not everyone will necessarily have the same combination of gifting that God has ordained for them to utilize in fulfilling their purpose within the Body of Christ. In other words, we all have different gifts and therefore niches within which we fit in The Body of Christ 'universal' ". ~R. Alan Woods [2012] R. Alan Woods
YOU CAN RUN, BUT CAN NOT HIDE"The statement, 'after giving it much thought', hardly becomes credible when one spends less that 24 hours in that endeavor. In fact, it is really giving something very little thought at all. In that case it becomes an issue of denial. And also, those who proclaim Christ as Lord and God as Abba, who run to Them to hide from the very issues in their lives that They desire to deal with and remove, always amaze me. We as Christians should run to God with the hope that He will reveal to us that which He intently desires to deliver us from".[ Just Keeping It Real] . R. Alan Woods
In my opinion and to the best of my understanding, free-will and pre-determination are two distinctly different economies that are 'operationally co-existent'". R. Alan Woods
Coming into a realization that there is purpose in why God has given all of us the gift of life- To promote the cause of Christ and God's Kingdom in a creative manner that expresses our uniqueness. R. Alan Woods